Core Update 1.0.263 - Blockchain API Updates

Highlights for Version 1.0.263

Welcome to our September 13th Patch Notes!


  • New: Improved rotation manipulator! It now supports free rotation and a view-oriented roll rotation.
  • Changed: Thumbstick inputs start from a length of 0 once they pass the dead zone, rather than starting from a length of 0.25
  • Changed: New projects default to having "Player Complex Collision" as False.
    • This means the Player now will use a capsule collision instead of a more complex collision around the body.
    • The reason for this is to provide a performance gain since most experiences don't require complex collision. If your experience requires detecting things hitting specific parts of a body instead of a capsule around the body (most shooter games, for example), you will want this set to True.
    • Ragdoll will only work with this set to True.
    • The Profiler will show a warning in case the Player Complex Collision is set to True.
  • Fixed: Camera moved with Lua code no longer lags 1 frame behind.


  • We have decided to deprecate GetTokensForPlayer() and add a new GetWalletsForPlayer() function instead to give Creators more control over how they get the NFTs for a specific player.

This will enable Creators to:

  • Call Blockchain.GetWalletsForPlayer() to get a list of all wallets associated with a Core account.
  • Creators can then iterate through all wallets and call the Blockchain.GetTokensForOwner() function to get all NFTs for each wallet.
  • Creators will then be able to use Blockchain.GetTokensForOwner() to filter for NFTs within a specific collection if necessary.



Function Name Return Type Description Tags
Blockchain.GetWalletsForPlayer([Player](player/) player, [tableoptionalParameters]) Array<BlockchainWalletCollection, BlockchainWalletResultCode, string> Looks up a list of blockchain wallets owned by the specified player. This function may yield while fetching wallet data. May return nil if an error occurs while fetching data. The status code in the second return value indicates whether the request succeeded or failed, with an optional error message in the third return value. None


Contains a set of results from Blockchain.GetTokens() and related functions. Depending on how many tokens are available, results may be separated into multiple pages. The .hasMoreResults property may be checked to determine whether more tokens are available. Those results may be retrieved using the GetMoreResults() function.


Property Name Return Type Description Tags
address string The wallet address. ReadOnly
isPreferred boolean Returns true if this is the owner's preferred wallet, otherwise false. ReadOnly


Contains a set of results from Blockchain.GetTokens() and related functions. Depending on how many tokens are available, results may be separated into multiple pages. The .hasMoreResults property may be checked to determine whether more tokens are available. Those results may be retrieved using the GetMoreResults() function.


Property Name Return Type Description Tags
hasMoreResults boolean Returns true if there are more wallets available to be requested. ReadOnly


Function Name Return Type Description Tags
GetResults() Array<BlockchainWallet> Returns the list of wallets contained in this set of results. This may return an empty table. None
GetMoreResults() Array<BlockchainWalletCollection, BlockchainWalletResultCode, string> Requests the next set of results for this list of wallets and returns a new collection containing those results. This function may yield until a result is available. Returns nil if the hasMoreResults property is false, or if an error occurs while fetching data. The status code in the second return value indicates whether the request succeeded or failed, with an optional error message in the third return value. None

Also check out our reference and text validation and pet renamer tutorials as well.

Learn more on our API documentation site.