November 2021 - Content Challenge - Optimized Storage [CLOSED]


Start Date: November 11, 2021
Due Date: November 30, 2021 (by end of day, Pacific Time)


Each entrant is eligible for a payment of up to $400, with a minimum of $100 if the entry meets the minimum standards. The exact payment amount for each entrant will be based on the quality of the entrant’s work!


The goal of this challenge is to develop an optimized persistent storage system that allows data to be stored efficiently in games. This involves compressing the data and keys in order to store as much data in as little space possible.

With limited storage space, it is important for games to store player and game data as efficiently as possible. This is especially important for games that need to store large amounts of player and game data. An optimized storage system will allow games to store larger amounts of data compared to using uncompressed data.


Some of the features to consider for this system are listed below.

Storage Types
The system should work for regular storage and shared storage.

Compressed Data and Keys
The data and keys should be compressed to minimize the storage space as much as possible. String compression is a popular technique.

Version Number
Allow creators to include a version number for the data. This allows creators to know the version of the data structure is stored, which is helpful if the data structure needs to be changed in the future.

Create an API which makes it easy for creators to call your storage routines.

Helpful Resources

  • The developers of Spellshock 2 by MantiCore used such techniques extensively. You can contact them for more details.

  • If you were in the Accelerator Program, some resources and sample code about storage were provided to you.

  • See this tutorial on persistent storage.


  • Build an optimized storage system that has as many of the above features as possible.

  • Include examples that demonstrate the functionality of the system.

  • Provide numerical examples of how much space your system saves over standard storage techniques.

Judging Criteria

  • Your work should strive to meet the criteria below.

  • View the full Judging Criteria.


If you have any questions, then please visit the challenge board channels on the Core VIP Discord server.


How To Apply

For instructions on how to apply, please visit the Application Formpost.


Submitting Your Work

  • Your application acceptance message includes instructions on how to submit your work.
  • Entrants must submit their work by the deadline listed in the Challenge in order to be considered for payment.
  • Failure to submit your work on time may affect your eligibility for future Challenges.


More Information

For detailed information about the rules, judging criteria, and best practices please visit the Challenge Board Info & Rules post.