October 2021 - Content Challenge - Damageable Objects [CLOSED]


Start Date: October 12, 2021
Due Date: October 31, 2021 (by end of day, Pacific Time)


Each entrant is eligible for a payment of up to $400, with a minimum of $100 if the entry meets the minimum standards. The exact payment amount for each entrant will be based on the quality of the entrant’s work.


The goal of this Challenge is to design damageable objects that other creators can use in their games. This is really easy to do using the new Damageable Objects system in Core. No programming is necessary, although some very cool additional effects can be added with scripts.

Core Editor

Damageable Object
GAME OBJECTS: Gameplay Objects: Damageable Object
Drag the object to your hierarchy, and then set the properties in the Damageable section. Then just create some geometry and put it within the Damageable Object.

Pre-Built Damageable Objects
The following pre-built objects can be found in the Core Content section. View the Damageable properties and destroy templates to get an idea of how these were constructed.

  • Damageable Crate
  • Damageable Fire Hydrant
  • Damageable Hazard Barrel
  • Damageable Sandbag


Types Of Objects
Try to create objects that you think will be popular and useful to other creators.

Destroy Effects
When the object is destroyed, you can define client and server templates to spawn via the Damageable properties. With these templates, you can show the destroyed object, add visual effects, add sound effects, and even provide scripts to enhance the effect of the object being destroyed.

Helpful References

  • API Documentation
    Documentation on Damageable Objects.

  • Tutorial Video
    A video showing how to create a damageable object, as well as how to add some helpful pre-built scripts.

  • Explode Script
    The above video shows how to easily add these scripts to make your destroyed object explode in pieces.


  • Create a variety of Damageable Objects of your own design.

  • All your objects should be visible at once in a sample scene.

Judging Criteria

  • Your work should strive to meet the updated criteria below.

  • View the full Judging Criteria.


If you have any questions, then please visit the challenge board channels on the Core VIP Discord server.


How To Apply

For instructions on how to apply, please visit the Application Formpost.


Submitting Your Work

  • Your application acceptance message includes instructions on how to submit your work.
  • Entrants must submit their work by the deadline listed in the Challenge in order to be considered for payment.
  • Failure to submit your work on time may affect your eligibility for future Challenges.


More Information

For detailed information about the rules, judging criteria, and best practices please visit the Challenge Board Info & Rules post.

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