Survey - Which Tutorials Do You Want Created?

Damageable objects that work with the NPC AI Kit. Especially letting the mobs damage vehicles.

A store where you can sell the items from META inventory system for their Gold Gems.
My avatar may not want to salvage a perfectly good sword when coins could be had.

Yes all of this

You nailed it Doc. All those above especially the coding, Vargl and kitbashing streams

I'd like to see a lot more content showing best practices for client/server/static context/ hierarchy. I kept getting errors in my code bevause of this and it took a lot to be able to understand why - as a total beginner to all of this.


Good suggestions - can you elaborate on "in depth currency guide"?

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Unfortunately you can't use IK with AnimatedMeshes yet. Only players.

Hello everyone. Sorry in advance for a lot of text and poor English.
I join the opinion of DocBdesign. As a person who is far from programming and is just starting to take the first steps in this, I want to say that, indeed,the learning process is now quite difficult. The documentation is not a textbook, but only a reference, a good one, but a reference. What personally caused me difficulties: the examples that are in the documentation and in existing courses differ from what is, for example, in standard frameworks. At the same time, the frameworks are good, working, but incomprehensible from the first time. It's as if we were given a assembled excovator from Lego-tech parts with a remote control and they say: "you can paint it, change the driver inside, attach more parts to it and even assemble a tank from it, but figure out for yourself what's what." It takes a long time to poke around in the frameworks to understand how everything is interconnected there. A lot has been said about how to decorate walls, add objects or change settings in existing "Custom Properties" in great detail, although, it seems to me, just for this a lot of knowledge is not needed. We need specific working and in-demand examples.
Now to the point. My suggestion is this: take an existing framework (for example, "Dungeon" - it has a lot of things that can be used in various games), and as a tutorial, create it step by step from scratch, explaining what and why you are doing. What standard solutions do you use, what templates can be taken and how to change them for your own purposes, how to create a store and how to add an item to it and set various requirements, how to set up an NPC, etc.
Separately, I would like to ask you to make a tutorial on using data. When I created a bar that consumes stamina, I used "SetResource" and "getResource", and it turns out it was better to use "player.serverUserData". Not all things that are obvious to professionals are obvious to beginners. In general, thank you for the topic, I hope for the release of new textbooks.


Not sure if it will help but here is a list of topics that i would have loved to have as tutorials in the early days

Placing Objects in a scene X-Y-Z
Making an object visible ON/OFF
Changing settings from a script
Game Objects - Trigger ( how they work in diff context )
UI Elements
Client vs. Network
Kit-Bashing tips/tricks
Published vs. Unlisted games
Custom Properties
Reset Property ( blue arrow / right click )
On Player Join [ Event ]
Spawn in items on event
Global vs. Local variable
Enable Player Storage
Script Generator 
Terrain Generator

How to add a currency to your game, how to add a place to view it on client side only, how to add different ways to implement it and give it to the player, how to make a shop where you can spend the currency on different things, etc

Also make it useful. The whole lightswitch coding tutorial is nice, but really pointless. IDK of anyone who would actually use a light like that in a game at all on Core especially

I think you are missing the point of the tutorial. Look at what it is teaching you...

  • Custom property references
  • Creating new rotations
  • Rotating objects
  • Interactable triggers (include changing labels)
  • Changing object visibility

This is stuff that can be applied to anything. So you are learning some of fundamentals that will carry over to other stuff you do.


Yeah I think most all of this stuff I had learned on my own in the first 3 days on Core without looking into tutorials at all. I came to core with ZERO game design or development experience about 1 year ago exactly. And even for me, that tutorial didn't actually teach me anything. I'm sure for some it does, but the fact still remains that we need much much more. We could teach people about custom properties while doing something more useful I am sure. I'd argue that standardcombo's NPC AI kit actually does a much better job of teaching all of those things, and its a way more functional and purposeful thing/CC to learn. That CC also has one of the best README's which can be hard to come across.


I have to second the thing about triggers in different contexts! It took me forever to stumble upon an explanation of what I was doing wrong!

Another thing I could use a bit of extra guidance on is...balls. No, I'm serious! It's probably either too broad or too narrow a subject to merit its own tutorial, but I've been struggling to get various gameplay features to work together with Things That Bounce. I understand that the two categories of items that can do that naturally are Projectiles and Physics Objects, but each seems to have its own unique limitations that make it hard to mix with other kinds of templates and frameworks. It would be very helpful to see demonstrations of any gameplay features a bouncing object CAN be combined with, or how to make a plain CoreObject move similarly to a Physics Object or Projectile without breaking the way it interacts with other objects.

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Autonomous driving with steering behaviours such as path following, collision avoidance and pursuit would be amazing!

I am currently working on this myself, and it would be nice if everyone (even those without programming language) can learn steering behaviours. It opens the doors to many complex AI behaviour, especially with vehicle driving.

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Art Tutorials Ideas

  • Lights (and performance)

  • How to kitbash using the least possible amount of geometry, when to use or not to use merged models.

  • How to create quick environments or maps.

  • Understanding Geometry which piece of geometry to use in which cases and why.

  • Scaling, The right way.

  • Post process, when to use them and how to implement them to add additional gameplay.

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Creating personal spaces in Core. Creating an apartment, House or otherwise a personal space in Core.

This includes setting up
1). Scripting on custom doors.
2). Adding Sit scripting for furniture
3). Perhaps basic on/off light switching.

Along with some basics in using Whitebox assets or some of the themed building sets. Some people are not even aware of the corner pieces which are intended to be used with whitebox assets or how to correctly snap rooms or buildings together with whitebox pieces.

I'm making this suggestion after chatting with a few people in Core World Social Areas, which were interested in creating this own Personal Apartments/Homes in Core. Very much in the same manner which people in Social Platforms such as Second Life, Sinespace and the likes do.

They basically want a good starting point at how to kitbash things together and use some basic scripting. i.e. even replace doors with their own and for the scripts to keep working. Even an understanding regarding how to locate door scripting and use. Along with added sit systems on Furniture and adding basic interactive things like turning lights on/off.

These personal spaces end up being more private to full blown social hang out areas which creators build. Also such projects may encourage people in getting started with using Core and result in them adding mini games and even taking on the task of full blown game development.

This request is more targeted at Metaverse building as opposed to Game Dev building. However, does overlap.

While I myself have not fully thought out everything possible or what could be covered in helping people get started. I also wondered some about perhaps this being part of CC Content Challenge as well. Where people design starter scenes/templates. i.e. Apartment or House. Which is furnished with interactive furnishing. Chairs, Couchs and such with players can sit in. Doors that open/shut. Light on/off system with perhaps some kind of Documentation regarding how to mod or use.

I'm making this suggestion, because I had to point out some different resources, tutorials and share some of the things which they were most interested in. In terms of getting started in building their own personal spaces in Core.

There are some aspects of this which I've not even thought about. The concept is Tutorials and/or assets/template scenes stuff which is useful for somebody new to core trying to build a personal space to which they are use to doing on other Virtual World Metaverse platforms.

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All related to landscapes and art in big maps. From the scratch draw of an idea to make it look good with the post process and sounds, etc. after getting the desired look and playability. Different types of landscapes depending on the game. How to use splines to make a river or a road, how to mix it with the city assetts. How to apply lighting, ambient sounds, day-night cycles. How to use the volumes in the maps and so on. I think there is many things we need in new tutorials.

New tutorial ideas:

  1. Advanced Weapon creation: Show creators how to create projectile gun-like weapons for their games. Gun games are still some of the most popular around, and teaching new and old creators how to customize art and FX for weapons would probably help everyone level up their shooting games.

  2. Fantasy Weapon creation: World of warcraft, runescape, zelda, and plenty of other games have had LEGENDARY melee weapons that set them apart from so many other games. What is link without the sword and shield? What is runescape without godswords and dragon weapons? These are weapons that we take for granted from an art POV, but teaching others how to make them would probably be lots of fun, and very interesting for new creators.

  3. Maps: I think we should make some whitebox maps (small medium and large), that creators can use for any purpose. So many games involve combat, but most new game developers do not understand map balances. Lanes, choke points, high and low ground, and long angles can help make maps better for combat and exploration games. I think the community would benefit from being able to go through some different map set-ups in the WHITEBOX form, so that those physical game ideas can be better understood. We could also then cover applying some basic materials from core to getting maps out of the whitebox look.

  4. Portals: I have portals set up in The Great Downhill Race, and it is something that so many players have commented on in the game world. I think creating a tutorial that shows other creators how to make a portal, link their game, and then apply some custom art to it would be a great one. Maybe even arranging a few portals in a small hub-world type platform?

  5. Custom artwork in games: Via the portal capture method, we can now use a game thumbnail to create banners, update cards, and more in Core. We used some incredible art in Seishin Island that is actually from Feudal Japan. This is one of those more advanced art-minded tasks for sure.

  6. Abilities: a tutorial on how to set up a flying ability, speed ability, heal ability, and more would probably be helpful to nearly everyone who isnt exactly sure how to do it.

  7. Advanced promotion and marketing: self explanatory here, I think we just need MORE of this on all of Core.

  8. Customizing NPC's and Animal Rigs: A lot can be done with the npc's and the dragon sockets and fox sockets with enough creative thinking. Explaining some of this to newbies and to those who dont know would help a lot. Having unique npcs and montsers in games is HUGE!

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A merged models comprehensive tutorial would be nice. I see a lot of creators not using it, and that is something I've struggled with too. The video tutorial on this matter is pretty good and I did learn a lot from it and it really made me use them a lot, but there are quite a lot of quirks that are not mentioned in it.

and they never work