September 2021 - Tutorial Challenge - External Editor [CLOSED]


Start Date: September 22, 2021
Due Date: October 15, 2021 (by end of day, Pacific Time)


Each entrant is eligible for a payment of up to $300, with a minimum of $50 if the entry meets the minimum standards. The exact payment amount for each entrant will be based on the quality of the entrant’s work.


The goal of this challenge is to create a tutorial about setting up and using external editors with Core. For writing Lua code, an external editor can be used instead of using the built-in editor that comes with Core. The main reason to use an external editor is for the extra features that are provided.


You can choose any external editor that you are familiar with. Popular editors include:

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Atom
  • IntelliJ IDEA (free or paid editions)
  • Sublime Text
  • Notepad++


In the tutorial, explain how to set up and install the editor, as well as the additional features and why they are helpful. Your audience may not be familiar with these concepts, so be sure to explain everything thoroughly.

Installation & Setup
Include a step by step installation and setup guide for the external editor.

If the editor uses any plugins, then also include instructions on how to install and set up those plugins. Describe the purpose of each plugin.

Version Control
Version control is extremely important in game development. Explain how to integrate version control in your editor.

Syntax Highlighting
Describe how to add and use syntax highlighting.

Code Completion
Explain how to add and use code completion.

Code Analysis
Describe how and why to use a code analysis tool such as a linter.

Documentation Lookup
Some plugins provide a way to view documentation within the editor. This may be Lua documentation, or even Core API documentation.


  • Publish a tutorial on this topic to the Core forums as per the instructions in your application acceptance message.

  • Provide any tutorial assets (models, scripts, UI, etc) in Community Content or an editable public game, and include a link within the tutorial.

Judging Criteria

  • Your work will be judged based on the Judging Criteria.

  • The above link also contains important information about best practices and other topics.


If you have any questions, then please visit the challenge board channels on the Core VIP Discord server.


How To Apply

For instructions on how to apply, please visit the Tutorial Challenge Board Application Form post.


Submitting Your Tutorial

  • Your application acceptance message includes instructions on how to publish your tutorial.
  • Entrants must publish their tutorial by the deadline listed in the challenge in order to be considered for payment.
  • Failure to publish your tutorial on time may affect your eligibility for future challenges.


More Information

For more information about the rules, judging criteria, and other important information please visit the Tutorial Challenge Board Rules post.