May 2021: Chat Based Mini Game [CLOSED]


Start Date: May 12, 2021
Due Date: May 31, 2021 (by end of day, Pacific Time)


Each entrant is eligible for a payment of up to $500, with a minimum of $200 if the entry meets the minimum standards. The exact payment amount for each entrant will be based on the quality of the entrant’s work.


The goal of this Challenge is to develop a mini game that is played entirely in the chat window. The mini game sends out messages to the chat window, and players respond by typing text into the chat window. For example, this could be a text based trivia game that keeps players engaged while waiting in a hub or lobby.

Chat Hooks

The new Chat Hooks system in Core is very easy to use, and should be used for this project.

Chat API
The API is very simple to understand with only two functions and two hooks.

Chat Hook Tutorial
This tutorial shows how easy it is to use the Chat API.


Multi Player
The game should be designed for multiple players playing at once.

The game should print out the rules in chat with a slash command, such as \rules.


  • The game should send out messages in chat to prompt players for input.
  • The game should send out messages in chat related to the game status, such as time remaining, score, etc.

The game should keep track of the score of each player for each round.

The game should display the final results at the end of a round.

The game should repeat after an intermission.


Make it as easy as possible for creators to add content to the game, such as additional trivia questions and answers.

Important game variables such as time limits, game time, etc should be easily adjustable by creators.

Sample Game

Provide a functional game that includes some sample content. For example, if it is a trivia game, then include a few sample trivia questions (and answers).

The purpose is to show creators how the game is implemented with some sample content. It is up to the creators to provide the actual game content.


  • Include a readme file that describes how to use your content. It is important to make this as easy to understand as possible.

  • Consider using Lua Modules so that developers can easily require and call the module functions.

  • Scripts should use clean, readable code with extensive comments.

  • Please review the content best practices.


  • Develop a mini game that is played entirely in the chat window, and includes as many of the features above.

  • Provide a working game with some sample content.


If you have any questions, then please post them to this topic.


How To Apply

For instructions on how to apply, please visit the Application Form post.


Submitting Your Work

  • Your application acceptance message includes instructions on how to submit your work.
  • Entrants must submit their work by the deadline listed in the Challenge in order to be considered for payment.
  • Failure to submit your work on time may affect your eligibility for future Challenges.


More Information

For detailed information about the rules, judging criteria, and best practices please visit the Challenge Board Info & Rules post.