April 2021: Creator Friendly Perks [CLOSED]


Start Date: April 12, 2021
Due Date: April 30, 2021


Each entrant is eligible for a payment of up to $400, with a minimum of $100 if the entry meets the minimum standards. The exact payment amount for each entrant will be based on the quality of the entrant’s work.


A common request from creators is to have a drag and drop Perks system that can be easily put into a game without programming.

The goal of this Challenge is to build user friendly Perks that can be easily implemented into a game with little or no programming knowledge. Basically, make some Perks that are as simple to use and drag and drop friendly as possible.

Some ideas are listed below, but you are not limited to just these. Create Perks that you think will be popular and that developers will commonly need for their games.

  • A Perk that allows players to donate to the developer.
  • A Perk that allows a player to buy some resource.
  • A Perk that offers a boost to a player.
  • A Perk that offers VIP benefits.
  • Or any other common Perk that you think will be helpful to developers.


  • Include a readme file that describes how to use your content. It is important to make this as easy to understand as possible for non-programmers. Include instructions on how a user can modify the Perks.
  • Scripts should use clean, readable code with extensive comments.
  • Please review the content best practices.


  • The project must include one example of each type of Perk: Permanent, Limited-Time, and Repeatable.


If you have any questions, then please post them to this topic.


How To Apply

For instructions on how to apply, please visit the Application Form post.


Submitting Your Work

  • Your application acceptance message includes instructions on how to submit your work.
  • Entrants must submit their work by the deadline listed in the Challenge in order to be considered for payment.
  • Failure to submit your work on time will affect your eligibility for future Challenges.


More Information

For detailed information about the rules, judging criteria, and best practices please visit Challenge Board Info & Rules post.