I've been editing the Team Death Match project example, adding some extra customProperties to the Player UI for picked up and carried gold.
I've noticed that the for custom properties I've added the suggested code snippet does not include waitForObject (e.g)
local propAPI = script:GetCustomProperty("API")
local propComponentRoot = script:GetCustomProperty("ComponentRoot"):WaitForObject()
local propTextBox = script:GetCustomProperty("TextBox"):WaitForObject()
local propProgressBar = script:GetCustomProperty("ProgressBar"):WaitForObject()
local propAmmoPanel = script:GetCustomProperty("AmmoPanel"):WaitForObject()
local propAmmoText = script:GetCustomProperty("AmmoText"):WaitForObject()
local propGoldPanel = script:GetCustomProperty("GoldPanel") -- my addition
local propGoldText = script:GetCustomProperty("GoldText") -- my addition
I suspect there is config attribute somewhere?