Remove Spawned Items for Players who leave only

When spawning an object using World.SpawnAsset.... 1) how does it know which asset is associated with which player if there are multiple players? Is there a check for this and then my real question is 2) how do you remove a spawned asset for a player when they leave the match? and then 3) How do I move the remaining items so they look nice? This one is maybe not as important as I could maybe just spawn a "player left" type asset.

This is to show all players health in a health bar and their name in a static UI location on screen the whole game. I could not find anything like that in community content. I have it working but when a player leaves it can get funky.

Here is my script...

local propBlueProgressBar = script:GetCustomProperty("blueProgressBar")
local propThePlayersName = script:GetCustomProperty("thePlayersName")

local panel = script.parent

function placeHealthBarsOnce()

-- get all the players in the game
local allPlayers = Game.GetPlayers()

for i, player in ipairs(allPlayers) do
    if player == Game.GetLocalPlayer() then
        -- don't show the local player but show the others
        -- UI.PrintToScreen(, Color.GREEN)
        -- spawn the health bar in the panel heirarchy
        playerHealthBar = World.SpawnAsset(propBlueProgressBar, {parent = panel})
        playerNameBar = World.SpawnAsset(propThePlayersName, {parent = panel})
        -- move the health bar down by 50 units... I think
        playerHealthBar.y = i*50
        playerNameBar.y = i*47.5
        -- multiply player hit points so that it is 0.01 - 1 and can set the progress bar 
        playerHealthBar.progress = (player.hitPoints*0.01)
        playerNameBar.text =

        -- the tick function is resetting the progress bar every tick to match up with the player health
        function Tick()               
            for i, player in ipairs(allPlayers) do
                -- multiply player hit points so that it is 0.01 - 1 and can set the progress bar 
                playerHealthBar.progress = (player.hitPoints*0.01)



I get the following error when player leaves the game....

[BOT_Bot2][2021.01.16-09.30.04]Error running Lua task: [F6F652A1FCAED2CA] Game GetLocalPlayer API Example:30: Attempted to access an object that has been destroyed. Consider using Object.IsValid(myObject) to check for this condition.
[BOT_Bot2][2021.01.16-09.30.04]Tick function has stopped running.  Script: "Game GetLocalPlayer API Example", Asset ID: F6F652A1FCAED2CA

I tried messing with tis Object.isValid but am clearly missing something or doing it incorrectly. I have used some of the code that Slinkous mentions in one the latest VODs where she was making a voting system similar to Among Us. I just grabbed what I needed as a start.

Help appreciated at always! Thanks so much. Also, let me know how I can help you either here or in Discord. I want to give back and help out. I will definitely get this released on Core Content once it is working well.

Actually, I think I may have worked it out. I updated the tick with the following:

function Tick()               

                for i, player in ipairs(allPlayers) do

                    -- multiply player hit points so that it is 0.01 - 1 and can set the progress bar 

                    if Object.IsValid(playerHealthBar) then

                        playerHealthBar.progress = (player.hitPoints*0.01)




Now I just need to figure out how to move the other bars or replace it with a player disconnected message when they have left. I also need to figure out how to reset this or add bars when a new players shows up. My gut is that I should just destroy this at game end and then respawn it for all players at the start of each match. Does that sound like the right approach?