[Multiplayer] CORE Chess

GAME NAME: Core Chess
CORE VERSION: 1.0.126-prod-s
GAME LINK: Core Chess by Seth - Core Games

A multiplayer chess game! Sit down and play a game of beachside chess with your friends! Supports up to 4 concurrent games at once. All features of a normal game of chess are functional, except for En Passant and Stalemate detection.

Known Issues:

  • If the players end up in a stalemate, the board will not reset
  • The castling button will become briefly visible at the end of the turn where castling becomes available to the player

Planned Features:

  • Code cleanup and optimization pass
  • Add a way for a player to surrender
  • Additional SFX
  • Increase movement speed of pieces
  • Implement Queen side castling
  • Implement stalemate detection
  • Implement En Passant
  • Implement timed matches
  • Implement chat


V1.0.15 - 3.11.2020
-Turned off camera collisions on most chessboard pieces
-Reinforced the invisible walls around the chess boards. Apparently they weren't strong enough
-The player can now zoom the default camera
-Fixed issue where the camera would not instantly switch when standing up from the table

V1.0.14 - 3.10.2020
-Added additional aesthetic objects to the scene
-Disabled ability to jump while sitting at the chessboard
-Added SFX and VFX that plays for winning players
-Added Emote Menu
-Changed the tutorial key to T
-Made some slight adjustments to the existing geometry to make things more cohesive
-Players can no longer use their mount while sitting at the chessboard
-Players can now zoom in and out using the scroll wheel
-Updated tutorial UI to reflect changes
-Added a sound effect that plays when it is your turn

V1.0.13 - 2.20.2020
-Added in nameplates
-Implemented data persistence that tracks a player's wins and losses
-Added a scoreboard that shows the wins and losses of players currently in the game, sorted by wins
-Players can no longer jump on the tables

V1.0.12 - 2.19.2020
-Updating screenshots

V1.0.11 - 2.19.2020
-Updated screenshots

V1.0.10 - 2.19.2020
-Turned down the volume on the seagull SFX
-Slightly darkened the white pieces to make them easier to see
-Slightly rotated the knights to make them easier to identify
-Removed deprecated UI elements from the tutorial UI
-Updated the UI to make it prettier

V1.0.9 - 2.17.2020
-Added chess functionality to the remaining tables
-Turned off collision on the bushes

V1.0.8 - 2.17.2020
-Fixed issue where the player state would be incorrect if the player joined and left the table in quick succesion

V1.0.7 - 2.16.2020
-Fixing screenshot order

V1.0.6 - 2.16.2020
-Updated screenshots and description
-Temporarily reduced max players to 4
-Added additional SFX

V1.0.5 - 2.16.2020
-The chess game will now reset when joining an empty table that is in checkmate
-The player is now informed when checkmate has occurred
-Adjusted the lighting to make it easier to see the board
-Made the black team's pieces slightly lighter
-Added invisible walls to the area
-Closed off the inside of the hotel for now
-Added some environment around the building

V1.0.4 - 2.15.2020
-Added logic for when the player successfully gets their pawn to other side of the board

V1.0.3 - 2.14.2020
-Added additional UI messaging
-Added functionality for castling
-Added instructions UI

V1.0.2 - 2.13.2020
-Added background music

V1.0.1 - 2.13.2020
-Added functionality for determining if a player is in check or not
-Added basic UI for displaying if someone is in check
-Players can no longer move their pieces in a way that puts them in check

V1.0.0 - 2.13.2020
-Initial publish



If you have any feedback or encounter any bugs with the game, please feel free to ping me either on the Discord or here



V1.0.13 - 2.20.2020
-Added in nameplates
-Implemented data persistence that tracks a player's wins and losses
-Added a scoreboard that shows the wins and losses of players currently in the game, sorted by wins
-Players can no longer jump on the tables


V1.0.14 - 3.10.2020
-Added additional aesthetic objects to the scene
-Disabled ability to jump while sitting at the chessboard
-Added SFX and VFX that plays for winning players
-Added Emote Menu
-Changed the tutorial key to T
-Made some slight adjustments to the existing geometry to make things more cohesive
-Players can no longer use their mount while sitting at the chessboard
-Players can now zoom in and out using the scroll wheel
-Updated tutorial UI to reflect changes
-Added a sound effect that plays when it is your turn


V1.0.15 - 3.11.2020
-Turned off camera collisions on most chessboard pieces
-Reinforced the invisible walls around the chess boards. Apparently they weren't strong enough
-The player can now zoom the default camera
-Fixed issue where the camera would not instantly switch when standing up from the table