I want to respawn my character at the selected spawn point. Basic Respawn Settings is not what I want.
you can use the Respawn() method of player objects to respawn players at specific locations.
--The line below is not actual code I am just using it to demonstrate
--that you need to have access to some player object
local player = [some player]
local respawnPosition = Vector3.New(100, 100, 100)
--Respawn the player at the "respawnPosition"
Can I get SpawnPoint's location from the map?
You could attach a core object reference custom property to the script. This core object reference custom property would refer to the spawn point object that you want players to spawn at.
--Core Object reference to the spawn point object
local spawnPoint = script:GetCustomProperty("SpawnPoint"):WaitForObject()
--The line below is not actual code I am just using it to demonstrate
--that you need to have access to some player object
local player = [some player]
local respawnPosition = spawnPoint:GetWorldPosition()
--Respawn the player at the "respawnPosition"
I would recommend looking through the "Cor eObject" documentation:
Core Object Documentation
Video Explaining Core Object References