Core Update 1.0.233 - Animation Updates & Farming Framework

Highlights for Version 1.0.233

Patch Notes Header

Welcome to our March 1st Patch Notes! With this patch, we are introducing new animations, a lot of bug fixes and the new Farming Framework.

Farming Framework

The Farming Framework brings the power of the Producers, Buffs, and Areas to make it possible to build experiences with crops, crafting, and shops, as well as personal areas for players that can be upgraded, decorated, and expanded. It takes advantage of the new Data Tables feature and even includes a system to migrate misspelled or redundant storage to a new id without losing player data!

Note: The Farming Framework isn't compatible with the Producers and Gatherables projects yet. We'll be updating those projects to make them compatible soon.

Make sure to watch the patch notes live stream hosted by Buckmonster on the Core Live Twitch channel at 9 AM PST.


  • New: CoreObjects spawned during play by World.SpawnAsset() will now apply the asset name to the spawned object.
    • This should make inspecting the hierarchy during play more informative.
    • Creators who were previously relying on the default name "DynamicProxy" for their logic will need to adjust accordingly.
  • New: There is a checkbox under General properties (an advanced property) "Use Skeletal Collisions". If this is selected, that mesh will use the skeletal asset to calculate collisions instead of the normal capsule.
  • New: Non-humanoid animated meshes now have the following Play Animations available:
    • "unarmed_fall_cycle"
    • "unarmed_jump_begin"
    • "unarmed_jump_end"
  • New: humanoid animated meshes now have the following Play Animations available:
    • "unarmed_fall_cycle"
    • "unarmed_jump_begin"
    • "unarmed_jump_end"
    • "unarmed_sit_car_low"
    • "unarmed_sit_spaceship_bentleg"
    • "unarmed_sit_spaceship_straightleg"
    • "unarmed_sit_spaceship_trucker"
  • Fixed: A crash when player enters a vehicle on spawn.
  • Fixed: When an asset is selected in Project Content, the right click context menu should still show entries for creating folder/script/data table.
  • Fixed: When trying to create script/data table inside subfolder folder that allows the asset type, the result asset is inside that folder instead of on top level folder.
  • Fixed: The behavior of Inventory:GiveItem() in more complicated scenarios involving multiple stacks.
  • Fixed: An issue where Inventory:GiveItem() would always fail. [Hotfixed]
  • Fixed: A bug where using the all argument in Inventory:DropItem() would fail to drop all stacks. [Hotfixed]
  • Fixed: An issue where Inventory:RemoveItem()'s optional parameter all was not working correctly. [Hotfixed]
  • Fixed: A bug with nested network contexts causing objects to inherit incorrect context.
  • Fixed: An issue where list of available characters does not show up the first time the UI is shown.



  • New: Added enums:
    Enum Name Value Description
    VoiceChatMethod.PUSH_TO_TALK 0 Player presses Push-to-Talk hotkey to speak in voice chat.
    VoiceChatMethod.DETECT_SPEAKING 2 Core detects when the player is speaking and automatically activates voice chat.


  • New: Added function:
    Class Function Name Return Type Description Tags
    GetMaterialSlot() MaterialSlot For HitResults involving a CoreMesh, returns a MaterialSlot instance indicating which material on the mesh was impacted. For certain types of collisions, including when the impacted object is not a CoreMesh, a MaterialSlot is not available, and nil is returned. None

Trigger / Player

  • New: Added function:

    Class Function Name Return Type Description Tags
    GetInteractableTarget() Trigger If the player is currently focused on an interactable Trigger, returns that Trigger. Returns nil if the player is not currently focused on an interactable Trigger. Client-Only
  • New: Added events:

    Event Name Return Type Description Tags
    interactableFocusedEvent Event<Trigger trigger, Player> Fired when a player has focused on an interactable Trigger and may interact with it. Client-Only
    interactableUnfocusedEvent Event<Trigger trigger, Player> Fired when a player is no longer focused on a previously focused interactable Trigger. Client-Only


  • Changed: boundAction is now read/write:
    Property Name Return Type Description Tags
    boundAction string Returns the name of the action binding that is toggled when the button is pressed or released, or nil if no binding has been set. Read-Write


  • Changed: The following functions are now client only:
    Class Function Name Return Type Description Tags
    GetAbsolutePosition() Vector2 Returns the absolute screen position of the pivot for this control. Client-Only
    SetAbsolutePosition(Vector2) None Sets the absolute screen position of the pivot for this control. Client-Only
    GetAbsoluteRotation() number Returns the absolute rotation in degrees (clockwise) for this control. Client-Only
    SetAbsoluteRotation(number) None Sets the absolute rotation in degrees (clockwise) for this control. Client-Only


  • New: Added functions:
    Class Function Name Return Type Description Tags
    VoiceChat.HasMicrophone(Player player) boolean Returns true if Core has detected a microphone for the given player, otherwise returns false. None
    VoiceChat.IsVoiceChatEnabled(Player player) boolean Returns true if the given player has enabled voice chat in their settings. None
    VoiceChat.GetVoiceChatMethod() VoiceChatMethod Returns the method the local player has selected in their settings to activate voice chat. Client-Only

Learn more on our API documentation site.
