Hello everyone,
I did copy a script from the CORE API to have a scatter effect on a object that has been destroyed. It works, but drops over 50 error messages that the part "does not support physics." Is there a way to check that before?
Here is the code for the client from the API:
function OnDied()
-- The client script receive the death event
-- Finds all Static Meshes in the local hierarchy
local childMeshes = script.parent:FindDescendantsByType("StaticMesh")
-- Finds the new parent, a Client-context named "DebrisParent"
local clientContext = World.FindObjectByName("DebrisParent")
for _,mesh in ipairs(childMeshes) do
-- Change parent, as we assume the old one is being destroyed
mesh.parent = clientContext
-- Enable debris physics
mesh.isSimulatingDebrisPhysics = true
-- Some Static Meshes don't support debris physics, so we must check
if mesh.isSimulatingDebrisPhysics then
-- Additional collision settings
mesh.collision = Collision.FORCE_ON
mesh.cameraCollision = Collision.FORCE_OFF
-- Set a life span, so the mesh destroys itself after a few seconds
mesh.lifeSpan = RNG:GetNumber(3, 6)
-- Give a random velocity to the mesh, away from ground
local vel = RNG:GetVector3FromCone(Vector3.UP, 90) * EXPLOSION_POWER
-- Destroy meshes immediately if they don't support debris physics