Alpha Update 3: January 15th 2020


  • Tons of improvements to the included game frameworks.
  • Added new CoreString namespace API with Split(), Join() and Trim() functions.
  • Three new game frameworks: Last Team Standing, Gun Game and Assault!

New Features


  • CoreString.Split(string s, [string delimiter], [table optionalParams])
    • Splits s into a list of substrings separated by delimiter. The delimiter is treated as an exact string that must be matched. optionalParams may contain the following optional parameters:
      • removeEmptyResults - defaults to false, filters out empty strings from the returned list.
      • maxResults - limits the number of strings that can be returned.
      • delimiters is a table of delimiter strings to split on, in addition to the delimiter parameter.
    • Example: CoreString.Split("foo:bar:baz", ":", {maxResults = 2}) returns foo, bar:baz.
    • Note: CoreString.Split() can be called with a delimiter, with optionalParams, with both, or with neither. If delimiter is not provided and the delimiters optional parameter is also not provided, s is split on any whitespace characters. Multiple whitespace characters in a row will result in empty strings in the results, unless you specify { removeEmptyResults = true }.
  • CoreString.Join(string delimiter, [string s1, [string s2...]])
    • Concatenates s1, s2, etc into a single string, separated by delimiter.
  • CoreString.Trim(string s, [string trim1, [string trim2]])
    • Removes instances of trim1, trim2, etc from the beginning and end of s. trimmed strings must be matched exactly, and the order of the trims matters if you provide more than one.
    • Example: CoreString.Trim("foobarfoo", "foo", "oo") returns bar, but CoreString.Trim("foobarfoo", "oo", "foo") returns barf.
    • Note: If no trims are specified, this will trim any whitespace from the start and end of s.


  • Added a "New Group" context menu item to create a group to the hierarchy UI.
  • Mousing over an item in the content browser now displays the item's name in a tooltip.
  • Added an icon to the editor's "Filter" buttons.
  • Added a file size warning for Terrain on save if the terrain is above 50% of the max size.
  • Added a "More" tile at the end of any Community Content page that has more items to load.
  • Added "Random Spawn Point" option to respawn settings.
  • Added two new respawn options:
    • Farthest from other players - Respawns the player at a start point which is furthest away from other players.
    • Farthest from enemy - Respawns the player at a start point which is furthest away from enemy players.

Core Content

  • Added "Last Team Standing" framework.
  • Added "Gun Game" framework.
  • Added "Revolver Weapon" to CORE Content.
  • Added "Assault" framework.
  • "Fire Volume VFX" now supports an initial velocity to allow it to be used for jet flames, flame throwers, etc.



  • Player.ActivateFlying() is now server-only.
  • Player.ActivateWalking() is now server-only.
  • PlayerSettings.Apply() is now server-only.
  • Improved error messages for multiple unique objects, such as settings and sky objects.


  • The "Publish Game" success dialog will close on ESC.
  • You can no longer publish a game while in preview mode.
  • You can no longer publish a game that has missing required assets.
  • The "Create New" button now opens a dialog that asks what to create the new game from.
  • You can now delete your local projects by pressing the "More Options" button on your project tile and selecting "Delete".
  • The Terrain Creator list now correctly displays the name of the terrain type, plus a % which indicates the file size / complexity.

Core Content

  • Improved the "Cape" and "Teddy Bear" back pack dynamics.
  • Renamed "Player Start" to "Spawn Point" in the empty scene.
  • "Sky" templates from CORE content will no longer have "networking" enabled by default when placed in a scene.



  • Fixed "expected number, received number" error to be more specific about expecting an integer.


  • Fixed issue where a player would rotate in place on the server as if facing was set to "Look at Aim" while clients behaved in accordance to the correct facing mode.
  • Names of long assets are no longer cut off when the content window is set to "Icon View".
  • Fixed a bug preventing autoplay sounds/music from playing on startup for clients.
  • Fixed CORE Content not showing items if you toggle the list/thumbnails.
  • Fixed a problem where autosaves and regular saves could fight.
  • Fixes networked custom properties on "Equipment" objects.
  • Panel primitives will now have more correct collision when scaled.
  • Dragging an asset into the hierarchy now allows navigation hotkeys to work afterwards.
  • Fixed player settings in the empty scene.
  • When cloning a game, the terrain files will now be copied over as well.

Core Content

  • 45 degree pipes should now have working collision!
  • Fixed incorrect pickup label on "Basic Grenade".
  • Kitchen props will now retain correct collision when scaled non-uniformly.
  • Backpack and cape dynamics are reset on mount/dismount to fix issues related to character "teleporting" when changing mount state.

I'm very sorry to necro-post, but I just encountered this error recently while trying to make an automatic SmartProperty lerping script, and now I'm looking for options to work around it. I know how to round the floats to integers, but not how to detect which SmartProperties want their numbers in integer form in the first place (especially when iterating through all of an object's SmartProperties at once). Is there a way to detect in the script which type of numeric value a SmartProperty requires before trying to set it?

Thank you!