3D Dungeon Animation Pack

TEMPLATE NAME: 3D Dungeon Animation Pack

In this pack you will find a set of animations with the 'Dungeon' Theme.

  • Lore point: a object to show UI with a cool animation

  • Ability Cube: a 3D cube with a energy inside with a animation. When finish it gives to you a ability

  • Porticullis: A Caste Gate

  • WIND pack: props which are moved with the wind. A dynamic whispy fog included

  • Hammer, Demolition Ball, Spikys, Moving Rock: Dynamic Objects that hurt player when hit to him. Each one has a different animation built-in

  • Growing Scale: a scale which grows with a rotation animation. It is scalable and can be combined to make a n-sections scale

  • Bridge: a bridge which is activated with a moving rocks animation when player gets into a trigger

  • Grab Rope: a interactable object to jump obstacles like 'Tarzan' :wink:

  • Flying creature: moveable wings, with 2 styles of movements to hover and fly. It also has built-in a fire ray shooted to ground. All can be controlled by events or binded keys.

  • Ground creature: an animation to act as a snake

  • I tried to add some value to the animations building effective and working objects, so creators only should focus on adjust the animations and the visuals to fit with their creations.

  • All objects are 'Drag&Drop', but I added a README file inside each template to explain and try to add more information to personalize each animation as best as possible.

  • To improve the networking, most of the animation work on the client side and have a trigger (hammer, ball, rock...) to report a overlapping player to make any server action against him. This is a bit slower than making it from server side, but I have been able to verify that these animations marked as 'networked' objects were not visually attractive (their fps dropped dramatically).

  • If you have a lot of interactive objects from this pack, maybe you will receive some warning messages.
    You can avoid warning messages, (I added code about this) changing the timing of the animations or
    adding a wonderful feature from WaveParadigm in CC: 'WaveEvents'.
    This will allow you send more events than Core usually allows, so this will avoid warnings

  • If you have any doubt, any question or any suggestion, do not hesitate to send me a message via forum or via discord:

      	■  covra on Core: https://www.coregames.com/user/2806d3a81a1945d98531567cd86090ac
      	■  covra on Forums: https://forums.coregames.com/u/covraworks/summary
      	■  covra on Discord: 	covra#6258  (Server: Hulinis / covraworks Indie)*

planned updates, additions, fixes, enhancements to your template

log of your template's version notes example:
1.0.0 - Initial release



*I have included customized parammeters in each animation to improve visuals when more than 1 object is placed, so check this. You will find more information inside README custom animation

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