12 Spells Elements Pack

TEMPLATE NAME: 12 Spells Elements Pack

BUG TRACKER: https://github.com/covra/CVS-Spell-Pack/settings
This is a pack of 12 spells categorized in the basic elements: fire, earth, air and water:
- FireBall: Basic fire ball, fast and deadly
- Shrapnel: The spell throws a bunch of burning pieces of shrapnel to the enemy,
- Cauldron: You will summon a burning lava cauldron which will cook your opponents
- Saw of Rocks: A chain of spiky rocks will grown in your view of sight
- Stoned: You will turn into a stone statue for a few seconds, even the most powerful enemy
- Raise: You will summon a rock pillar which will throw and knock down enemies
- Water Beam: A powerfull intense jet of water will destroy your enemies
- Tsunami: You will summon a great wave that will drag and hit anyone who is ahead
- Bubble It: Put whoever you want in a bubble for a few seconds and block it
- Ray Shock: An electric shock will take down a pega to him
- Cursed Rain: A cloud with poisoned water will chase anyone who dares to approach
- Tornado: A powerful tornado will be summoned and wipe out whoever is ahead.

  • In addition [CVS_SPELL_EQUIPMENT], you can enable: 'ADD_ALL_SPELLS_NO' property, to start with all the spells equipped and will show a cool UI!
  • They are built under basic 'Weapon' class equipment, so they are completly ready to drag&drop to the game
  • Is also includded a visual reference, a spell book, (equipment) [CVS_Spell_Equipment] . If this is equipped, some selected (under custom exposedproperties ) spells will be linked to it, to make extra FX when cast
    This is because, you can add a staff, a wand or whatever....
  • [CVS TEAM MAKER and TEST]: This script is used to quickly test a spell and, in addition, it divides the players who join in two teams: 1 and 2. Sure Core scripts better, but this one is extremely simple
  • All the spells have a 'Custom properties' exclusive to each one. They are found at the end, below the custom properties of the weapon (like 'extraDamage' , 'spell_Name' , 'DPS' , 'bubbleLife'...
    I have tried to explain all of them in the 'custom tooltip' associated to them

NPC AI Kit support, reduce networked objects

log of your template's version notes example:
1.0.0 - Initial release
1.0.3 - Added UI and fixed some minor bugs




- If you want to use the visual equipment, it should be equipped first, to the rest of spells be able to be linked with it
- If you put the spells under a equipment, some features like spreading projectile, doesnt work. This is a Core limitation, so it is a better practice, if you want to equip several spells, to make them one by one or spawning them and later, equip them to player
- Dont forget to use teams! Some directed spells, like fireball, doesnt do damage if target player is in the same team
- Take your time to explore the dozens of templates included in the pack. For sure you can build amazing FX!
- Most of templates have 'lifeSpan' parammeter pre-setted, so check this if something dissappear suddenly! :wink:
- You can add the spells directly in the map, directly to the player when join, or maybe in a spawn ... I tried to see all scenarios to use as easily as possible
- When a spell is equipped, 2 elements are deleted: 'Pickup Trigger'(Trigger) and 'Pickup FX' (Folder) to save networked and performance (It can be easyly modified if you want to re-use the spells)
- [Saw of rocks] spends a lot of networked objects. If this will be a problem modify the ratio in seconds of spike spawn. Lower number means more spikes per second. Default = 0.07
- To test the spells I use 2 CC templates very useful and simple: 'Show cursor' and 'Advanced UI bar'
- To trigger the spells, you can choose a key binded. Right now they are binded to 1 to 9 number keys plus F1,F2 and F3 (12 spells)

Enjoy and send me feedback to improve!!