Do and Don't of Persistent Storage


How Persistent is Persistent Storage ?

A - What is the effect of updating a Game on Persistent Storage ?
B - Are there any actions (like deleting scripts) that can destroy Persistent Storage ?
C - How can we read (other players) Peristent Storage after publishing a game ?
D - Is it possible to access Persistent Storage outside of the Editor ?
E - What are some good practices ?
F - Would you be open to share with the community some personal experience on Persistent Storage ?

Ressources :
1 - API: Storage (
2 - Persistent Storage Introduction (
3 - Persistent Storage Tutorial (

@slinkous Went over the many different ways you can save data for players in a recent Core Live stream:

  • Persistent storage and best practices
  • What data is already really easy to save for players
  • Tricks using the resource system and resourceChanged events
  • serverUserData and clientUserData - great for storing game data you need to access at runtime

Some specific answers:

A - What is the effect of updating a Game on Persistent Storage ?
Can you clarify the question? This is essentially a table saved for the player; updating the game should not affect it, assuming you don't overwrite the data with your scripts.

B - Are there any actions (like deleting scripts) that can destroy Persistent Storage ?
Deleting scripts will not, but be careful about when you Storage.SetPlayerdata(). If you overwrite storage with an empty table, you will delete the data.

C - How can we read (other players) Peristent Storage after publishing a game ?
You'll need to write a tool for this where you can view their data. Admittedly this isn't a great option yet, but we do plan to add more tools for managing player data in the future.

D - Is it possible to access Persistent Storage outside of the Editor ?
I'm assuming you mean like an API, in which case, no.

E - What are some good practices ?
Definitely watch the video, it has lots of great detail and best practices.

F - Would you be open to share with the community some personal experience on Persistent Storage ?
I, too, would like to see everyone's experiences :slight_smile: